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Disclosure of Domain Contact Data

This procedure is aimed solely at the disclosure of Domain Contact data (owner, administrative, technical, billing, reseller if applicable) hidden in responses to “Whois” queries.
As an ICANN-accredited Registrar, AC Webconnecting NV DBA domain.cam is also subject to the 2013 “Registrar Accreditation Agreement”, to which is added the “Temporary gTLD Registration Data Specification” adopted on May 17, 2018 via ICANN Board Resolutions 2018.05.17.01 and 2018.05.17.09
This procedure is adopted in accordance with the aforementioned rules to which AC Webconnecting NV DBA domain.cam is subject, as well as with its Domain Registration Agreement and notably its Privacy Policy. The Domain Contacts are thus informed that their data may be disclosed. However, they will not be notified of a disclosure.
We kindly inform you that any requests for access to non-public registration data, specifically pertaining to the generic top-level domain (gTLD) .cam, must be formally submitted through the ICANN Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) available at https://www.icann.org/rdrs-en
Note : you will need to have an active ICANN account or create one.
Please note that in adherence to the principle of data minimization, only the data fields explicitly requested will be eligible for disclosure. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
The Registration Data Request Service ( RDRS ) is a free and global proof-of-concept service that handles requests for access to nonpublic registration data related to generic top-level domains (gTLD)s. It connects requestors seeking disclosure of nonpublic registration data for gTLDs domain names with the relevant ICANN-accredited registrars who are participating in the service. The service streamlines and standardizes the process for submitting and receiving requests through a single platform.
Important note : The Registration Data Request Service does not guarantee access to the registration data. All communication and data disclosure between the registrars and requestors takes place outside of the system.
The service is used by participating ICANN-accredited registrars and requestors seeking nonpublic gTLD registration data. It is intended for use by individuals and entities with a legitimate interest in access to nonpublic gTLD registration data including law enforcement, government agencies, intellectual property attorneys, cybersecurity professionals, and others.

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